Drop-In Tutoring

Pencil mascot in red shirt holding a blue book.

Drop-in tutoring will begin on Monday, February 3rd. 

The Drop-In (DI) Tutoring program provides short-term assistance every Monday and Tuesday at College and Steenbock Libraries in the following courses: 

  • Chemistry 103, 104, 343, and 345
  • Physics 103 and 104 
  • Biology 151 and 152 (Mondays only)

No registration is required. Simply stop in during our scheduled hours to receive help on homework, study for an exam, or ask questions. This is a great program for students who want help but can’t make a weekly commitment, or who want a tutor but don’t think they’ll need help every week.



Schedule & Availability

Drop-in tutoring will begin on Monday, February 3rd. 

Before heading to College or Steenbock for tutoring, check the schedule below to ensure a tutor is available.

Check Schedule & Availability

Psych 210 Drop-in Tutoring

Psychology 210 drop-in tutoring is available and free for students. Unlike most of GUTS drop-in tutoring, this does NOT take place at College and Steenbock Libraries, so please check the locations below. Note that you should only seek help from a tutor supporting your instructor.

  • Professor Addington’s students: Mondays 6-8 PM (GUTS Office)
  • Professor Gallimore’s studentsSundays 3-5 PM (GUTS Office) and Tuesdays 11 AM-12 PM (Brogden 519)
  • Professor Henriques’ students: Tuesdays 5-7 PM (GUTS Office)

Frequently Asked Questions

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What should I expect when attending a drop-in tutoring session?

Drop-in tutoring is a low stake, casual, and informal tutoring experience. You can stop by whenever you feel you need help with an assignment, studying for a test, or to simply ask a question. It’s designed for students who want help but can’t or don’t want to make a weekly commitment. 

Where are drop-in tutors located?

Drop-in tutoring is offered at two campus locations:

  • College Library: in the back right corner of the first floor
  • Steenbock Library: head downstairs to BioCommons (lower level)

I want to receive drop-in tutoring but the course I need help with isn’t on the schedule, what should I do?

If the course you need tutoring in isn’t on our schedule, consider the following options: 

  • Visit a drop-in tutor who offers assistance in a similar course, as they may be able to help you.
  • Look into our sister program, Academic Match, to see if small group tutoring is available in the course. 
  • Explore other learning centers on campus by visiting learningsupport.wisc.edu 


College Library

600 N Park St, Madison, WI 53706

We are located in the back right corner of the main atrium of the first floor.

Steenbock Library

550 Babcock Dr, Madison, WI 53706

We are located in BioCommons on the lower level.