There are a variety of note-taking styles students employ in there classes. For some, like myself, we have difficulty finding the right type of style that works best. This tip will explain five types of notes -outline, Cornell, mind map, course slides, and sketch notes- for you to consider (and try) in your studies. I personally tried a few of these styles and will be sharing my experience in addition to helpful information and descriptions of all of the styles that I hope you find as useful as they were for me.
Pros and Cons of Typed, Digitally Handwritten, and Paper Notes | GUTS Tip
An important process in studying and learning is note-taking. Almost every student does it, and it is a practical requirement to pass a class. With the large amounts of information presented in each course, note-taking helps in encoding the information and thus makes it easier to remember. It also produces study materials to refer to later for exams and projects. Since technology is much more advanced now than it was even 10 years ago, when taking notes on paper was the most popular method, there are options such as typing notes on a computer, and even writing them on tablets (like paper, but digital). What are the differences between these modalities—typed (computer), digitally handwritten (tablet), or paper?
How to Mitigate Stress | GUTS Tip
Everyone experiences stress, and it consistently occurs in peoples’ lives. For a college student, every day brings something new that must be done –whether it be studying for a midterm, attending a lecture, or homework to complete. What are some healthy solutions to mitigate the stress that results from our academic and personal responsibilities and tasks?