Working in groups to complete assignments and projects is inevitable for most, if not all, students. In fact, you will work in groups in a variety of social situations. In this tip, we are going …
time management
Building a Weekly Schedule | GUTS Tip
Having a weekly schedule is key to success. There are a few different ways that you can go about creating a weekly schedule. Although creating a weekly schedule before the semester starts is beneficial, it’s never too late to create a schedule to help you get on track!
SMART(ER) Goals | GUTS Tip
Goals are an essential part towards creating a meaningful and intrinsically-rewarding life. Goals motivate us to work hard and to be our best and happiest selves. Forming these goals to be a SMART(ER) goal can create clarity in your end-objective and the process to get there, recenter you towards achieving your goal, and determine how to effectively allocate your resources to achieve the goal.
How to Combat Procrastination | GUTS Tip
In this article, we will be discussing how to identify the causes of procrastination and the solutions to combat your procrastination. After figuring out why you are procrastinating, you can start to build your own plan to solve the problem.
School and Life Balance | GUTS Tip
The pressure to succeed in higher education when classes require large amounts of work and time commitment can be daunting and difficult to manage. Although academics takes a large priority in the lives of college students, it should not consume all of your time and effort. Finding a balance between school/academics and your personal life is essential in remaining successful, motivated, and happy.