Boosting Language Confidence | GUTS Tip

While starting a new language can be fun and exciting, it can also bring unwanted feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Usually, you struggle not because you do not understand, but because you are doubting yourself. It’s completely natural to be unsure, especially with foreign languages.

You may stumble through sentences, worrying about conjugations or masculine vs feminine forms, or if the idea you want to communicate is getting lost because of your accent.

Yes, it is definitely intimidating to speak a foreign language at any stage, but you’ll never master that language without conversational use. The key? Stop doubting yourself and get confident.

Body Language is strongly linked to behavior. Working on your body language will impact your confidence when speaking another language. The way you appear gives off how you are feeling. Instead of slouching, breaking eye contact, and awkwardly smiling, try standing up straight, maintaining eye contact, and speaking loud and clear.

Clarity while speaking will help get your idea across. When we get nervous, we begin to mumble and stutter. Remember to enunciate when you speak. Fake it till you make it and sound confident. Most people are accommodating, and they have fun helping you while trying to learn!

Accentuate the Positive. People everywhere adore it when you try speaking their language, no matter your fluency level or mistakes. Learn to laugh over mistakes and enjoy the learning process.

The takeaway? Appear more confident to feel more confident. When you stop being afraid of speaking and begin mastering that language, new experiences and people will unlock for you. You can find opportunities that would not have been given otherwise. Don’t be afraid, and just speak!

Written by Lexi Frisque

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*This is an opinion post. While the topics described here are mostly based on research, please keep in mind not to assume all of the information described above is factual.

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