To help with your process of finding language learning applications that work for you, we’ve compiled several resources that you might want to check out if you’re looking for ways to change up your studying.
Boosting Language Confidence | GUTS Tip
While starting a new language can be fun and exciting, it can also bring unwanted feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Usually, you struggle not because you do not understand, but because you are doubting yourself. It’s completely natural to be unsure, especially with foreign languages. You may stumble through sentences, worrying about conjugations or masculine vs feminine forms, or if the idea you want to communicate is getting lost because of your accent. Yes, it is definitely intimidating to speak a foreign language at any stage, but you’ll never master that language without conversational use. The key? Stop doubting yourself and get confident.
Coordinators’ Perspective: Language Learning Tips | GUTS Tip
Learning a second language is an extraordinary and immensely rewarding experience. As part of the process, you learn and embrace new cultures, perspectives, and ways of thinking. Many of our coordinators, including myself, are learning a second language and we want to provide you with some tips we have found helpful throughout our language-learning journey that may help you in starting, or improving, your own.
Improving Language Skills Online | GUTS Tip
Language learning is a very long process, and, most importantly, it is incredibly individual. Each person learns and understands a foreign language differently, so you should always be active in making your own lesson plan and finding resources that best fit your goals. With the pandemic, it’s been a bit harder for students to practice and communicate with others in their target language, so here are some tips and digital ways that you can keep improving even if you’re stuck inside!