School and Life Balance | GUTS Tip

The pressure to succeed in higher education when classes require large amounts of work and time commitment can be daunting and difficult to manage. Although academics takes a large priority in the lives of college students, it should not consume all of your time and effort. Finding a balance between school/academics and your personal life is essential in remaining successful, motivated, and happy.

How to Get The Most Out of Academic Match Study Groups | GUTS Tip

The Academic Match Program is a useful service for students interested in extra academic assistance. When it comes to higher enrollment courses, it can be especially difficult to have a personalized experience. This individual attention is what GUTS as an organization and our dedicated volunteer tutors in AM hope to provide. While you may have your tutors and program coordinators as available resources, there are other ways to ensure that you benefit as much as possible from your weekly sessions. This week’s tip will focus on what you can do to get the most out of your AM study group.

Pros and Cons of Typed, Digitally Handwritten, and Paper Notes | GUTS Tip

An important process in studying and learning is note-taking. Almost every student does it, and it is a practical requirement to pass a class. With the large amounts of information presented in each course, note-taking helps in encoding the information and thus makes it easier to remember. It also produces study materials to refer to later for exams and projects. Since technology is much more advanced now than it was even 10 years ago, when taking notes on paper was the most popular method, there are options such as typing notes on a computer, and even writing them on tablets (like paper, but digital). What are the differences between these modalities—typed (computer), digitally handwritten (tablet), or paper?

Improving Language Skills Online | GUTS Tip

Language learning is a very long process, and, most importantly, it is incredibly individual. Each person learns and understands a foreign language differently, so you should always be active in making your own lesson plan and finding resources that best fit your goals. With the pandemic, it’s been a bit harder for students to practice and communicate with others in their target language, so here are some tips and digital ways that you can keep improving even if you’re stuck inside!

Creating A Study Space | GUTS Tip

Creating a study space in the comfort of your own home is always an important habit to form, but it is especially crucial during this pandemic. The pandemic has been negatively impacting everyone’s study habits. From procrastination, to poor time management, all the way to ineffective study strategies. Luckily, one of the first steps you can take to get back in the right direction is to create a study space. An effective study space has the potential to kickstart your other study habits for the better. 

How to Mitigate Stress | GUTS Tip

Everyone experiences stress, and it consistently occurs in peoples’ lives. For a college student, every day brings something new that must be done –whether it be studying for a midterm, attending a lecture, or homework to complete. What are some healthy solutions to mitigate the stress that results from our academic and personal responsibilities and tasks?